Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Back, La Fonda contd.

Barrel and showers at La Fonda

The subject of "being back" has come up a whole lot with my buddies recently. Typically something like the mention of "are you back right now?" or "after this beer I'll be back" or "dude, I'm feeling kinda back right now" or just outta nowhere "I'm back!" We're nerdy silly kinda guys and this is what we do. We're ridiculous. Ok, that being said, let me delve a little into what "being back" is about. It really encompasses mind, body and spirit. It implies progression or movement, as in at some point you where not, but now are "back". Most typically declaring oneself "back" occurs a after a long nite out or tough day at work. You're tired and in lowered spirits, but then baam you're back! So what was the point here? Well it was a very frustrating first day in the surf at La Fonda (see prev post), not a single wave caught. Definitely not back. The good thing is I have all the time I need, and very happy to report that day number two was mucho better! I have to give some thanks to the smaller and more forgiving waves. Obviously still ridiculously out of shape over here, but waves were surfed, and it was fun! Spirits are lifted, I'm feeing good, and I'm back! Yay! It feels good, I spent a good hour plus in the water and loving it! Getting out of the water I think it is about time to reward myself with some picadillo. Leftover carne asada with tomatoes, onions and carrot all chopped up and throw it into the cast iron. Yum!

So what the heck else am I doing all day besides surfing and cooking??? Not a whole lot to be honest. Still catching up on the sleep and some light reading... Cesar's Way and The SAS Survival Handbook. Yes, a bit curious my current selection. I don't have a dog and I don't plan on finding myself standed in the artic tundra, but enjoying both books and feeling thoroughly prepared should I end up in either situation (the dog or tundra). Suggestions for future reading are very welcome!

Well its time to go again. Three days here at K58 and feeling like time to continue south. Good news is word from Dad is that he'll be heading to Chalo's ranch later this week. Rancho Los Metates sits on the coast about 2 hours south of Ensenada and off road is the only way to get there. la van is going to get some dirt under her feet! Wish us luck!

Bluffs over La Fonda


Update: Some more pics from La Fonda



  1. Great reading Armin! I'm psyched to keep up with your travels and surfing through your updates!
    Linda and I will be getting married here at K58/La Fonda this coming New Year's eve, and we spent a couple of days here after meeting you in Quatros, on our way back up stateside.
    Had a similar surf experience with crazy onshore winds and very limited wave selection! Kinda reminded me of home at OB! :)
    Was great meeting you, gettin' some waves, and enjoying some brews and BS around the yucca bonfire!
    Have fun down there! Score some great waves! Go Westy!!
    Peace, Will

  2. Hey armin! Casey here, sitting at Ruth and Jan's. You adventure sounds like fun! I admire your free spirit. Are you headed to Florida anytime soon? I've decided to move back home and and was going to buy a one-way plane ticket home....unless you were looking for a temporary sidekick? Let me know if you interested. Safe travels!
